Monday, March 28, 2011

Animals Busted Stealing – Fun With Animals

These are some hilarious animals who like to steal. Humans are not the only ones who think that the grass is greener on the other side. Animals can be like that, too. They like to pickpocket, creep into other peoples’ houses and take things that they like. Shiny things draw crows’ attention, monkeys like fruit etc. If you have a habit of leaving the window open, make sure that you don’t leave a pie to cooling down on the window or a bear may come.

It seems that monkeys have a hidden sympathy for dogs. Go figure.

Dogs like stealing food from the kitchen counter, providing that they can reach it.

This little pooch looks all cute and innocent but in fact is a hard core bear drinker.

If you get mugged, don’t immediately go for the usual suspect. You might get surprised

Hm, what wallpapers should I get for my new crib, the ones with the flowers or nurs?

Monkeys are into wearing brows these days

I warned you about the bear, but who could have predicted that he knew how to use a key.

The real question is should I ride it or should I eat it?

Geckos had a craving for the sweet so he stopped by to his neighbor’s house to have some cake

Coatimundis like reading criminal novels, so they decided to take an action.

Beware of the duck criminal families they might look quite but they quack and bite.

If you are planning to go hunting try not to become a pray yourself.