Sunday, April 3, 2011

Your World of Tomorrow - Floating Cities

Floating cities in the current state of affairs embody the Utopian ideal of modernistic cities floating on water and emanating their technological marvel. Moreover, as the congestion levels add to the already saturated densities of major cities, such ambitious conceptions can come forth and present to us that extra yet special kind of spatial element needed to house the increasing urban population. In effect, they could act as defined spaces with high ratio of rentable floor space per unit area and also as the symbols of urban power. But on the other hand, there are massive costs that could be incurred in the amount of steel, concrete and glass needed to construct a floating city; not to speak of the infrastructure and labor needed for such a huge proposal.

Looking into the future, there are chances of some adverse changes affecting our very ecological system. This can be a direct result of global warming, like rising sea levels affecting our land eco-system and engulfing our major coastal cities. In candid effect of such an instigation, there have been progressive yet unique proposals to design and build human habitats in the seas itself. And if (there is a big “if” here) there are credible indications of any tumultuous calamity that can severely affect our very fabric of life, such proposals may become a reality in spite of the resources consumed; as the essence of our very survival comes into question.

The Inspiration
First, with recent state of population explosion in urban areas, floating city concepts are thought of as sustainable alternatives to ineffectual land use patterns. Secondly, with the future in mind, inspiration has been instrumental in putting forth such revolutionary concepts. As mentioned above, the increased sea levels emanating from global warming might one day severely alter our urban settlement patterns, especially affecting our coastal cities. So, such concepts would technologically make use of living conditions in the high seas itself, in the form of mammoth floating islands.

Self sufficient sustainability is the main pillar upon which such floating city propositions tend to be based. The city-islands are to be designed in such a manner so that the whole spatial element can make use of green technologies like wave, wind and solar energy to produce electricity. In addition, it can use farming, aquaculture and hydroponic techniques to grow its own food. Effectual zoning patterns of human habitats are also important, as the spatial nature shouldn’t only imbue energy efficiency but also convenient living conditions.

The Hurdles
1. Sea Storms:
Naturally this can be the severest hurdle in the face of this design.

2. Transportation:
A whole new transit system would be required, keeping in mind the total economic situation prevailing then. Furthermore, water transportation is not that feasible when compared to land transportation.

3. High Humidity:
The humidity levels would be much higher when being close to water. Moreover, there is no definite solution for cramped spaces in case of population increase.

4. High Cost:
The same problem plaguing the conventional cities; the cost involved could be huge even if we do possess the technology.

Is it feasible?
Well, it could take years to complete and demand a very high expenditure. The architects need to suggest solutions to psychological problems like living in confined spaces without any chance for spatial expansion and even structural problems like weathering of sea storms. Nevertheless, we cannot deny the novelty of such conceptions which aim to make total usage of green, emission free technology, and at the same time provide us with shelter from the repugnant effects of congestion, pollution and even global warming.