Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Apple: An Evolution in Photos

Starting back in 1976 with Apple’s very first computer, and up until the iPad, Apple has pushed the boundaries of what is possible in the computing world. This photo collection documents each product Apple produced, including the first mouse, portable computer and all digital music player in history. Sometimes a photo is worth a thousand words, and then some.

1976 - Apple I

1977 - Apple II

1978 - Disk II

1979 - Apple II Plus

1980 - Apple III

1983 - Lisa

1983 - Apple Mouse

1984 - Apple IIC

1984 - Macintosh

1985 - Macintosh XL

1986 - Macintosh Plus

1987 - Macintosh SE

1987 - Apple Newton next to an iPhone

1988 - Apple IIc Plus

1988 - Macintosh IIx

1989 - Macintosh SE/30

1989 - Macintosh portable

1990 - Macintosh IIfx

1991 - Macintosh PowerBook 140

1993 - Macintosh LC 575

1995 - PowerBook 5300

1996 - Power Macintosh 7220

1997 - 20th Anniversary Macintosh

1998 - iMac G3

1999 - Power Macintosh G3

1999 - iBook

2000 - Power Mac 4G Cube

2001 - the first iPod

2001 - PowerBook G4

2002 - iMac G4

2003 - iBook G4

2003 - PowerMac G5

2004 - iMac G5

2004 - iPod mini

2005 - iPod nano

2005 - iPod shuffle

2005 - Mac Mini

2006 - MacBook Pro

2007 - the first iPhone

2007 - iMac

2007 - Apple TV

2007 - iPod Touch

2008 - MacBook Air

2010 - iPad

2010 - iPhone 4

Credits: www.cbsnews.com