Saturday, November 5, 2011

Good Old Days

All these things happened before.
Gorillas got drunk

Babies smoked pipes and/or solved mysteries

People rode REAL bikes

You could play piano in bed

Everyone was using shotguns

Dogs played mandolin

Whiskey vending machines existed

A child's first toy was a saw

You could play soccer against a panda

Baseball players drank and smoked in the dugout

People actually wanted to be the “Donut Queen”

Lions made great pets

Bears were made into chairs

Zebras pulled carriages

Cheetahs also made great pets

Lions rode shotgun

Tattoos were way more bad-ass

Monkeys played lounge music for puppies

Dogs could watch a movie

People did snuff

Little girls on rollerskates were incredibly intimidating

You could settle the score against a bear in the ring

Dogs smoked pipes and presumably joined the army

Lobsters made great pets too

Cats hung out in spaghetti

Puppies hung out in soldiers' pockets

Or better yet, Cary Grant.
Doctors looked like serial killers

Halloween was actually terrifying

Everyone looked cool with an eyepatch

This happened
