Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What Did People Search for Most in 2011?

Both Bing and Google released their top 2011 searches for product, celebrity and news terms. You may or may not be surprised to learn that Apple product information was in high demand and that a certain insanely popular celebrity was at the top of the celebrity search list.
No. 10 Product Search: Dresses

No. 9 Product Search: Amazon

No. 8 Product Search: eBay

No. 7 Product Search: iPad

No. 6 Product Search: Laptop

No. 5 Product Search: Boots

No. 4 Product Search: iPhone

No. 3 Product Search: iPod

No. 2 Product Search: TV

No. 1 Product Search: Shoes

No. 10 Celebrity Search: Taylor Swift

No. 9 Celebrity Search: Beyonce

No. 8 Celebrity Search: Rihanna

No. 7 Celebrity Search: Nicki Minaj

No. 6 Celebrity Search: Selena Gomez

No. 5 Celebrity Search: Lady Gaga

No. 4 Celebrity Search: Britney Spears

No. 3 Celebrity Seach: Jennifer Lopez

No. 2 Celebrity Search: Katy Perry

No. 1 Celebrity Search: Justin Bieber

No. 9 News Search: Facebook

No. 8 News Search: New York

No. 7 News Search: Earthquake

No. 6 News Search: Weather

No. 5 News Search: 'Facebook Facebook'

No. 4 News Search: Obama

No. 3 News Search: Japan

No. 2 News Search: Google

No. 1 News Search: iPhone
