Monday, December 26, 2011

Pervy World Records Broken in 2011

The end of 2011 is near, and we’ve been setting down our records the whole December, the time has come for the Guinness Book of World Records,

this original and amazing project that was astonishing us and making us gape in amazement for quite some time now, to show us what they’ve got. Here are 7 most “pervy” world records that have been broken in the 2011. I know that these aren’t the greatest contributions to the human society and the most useful achievements in this year, but it sure is fun, and if it makes just one person smile, then they’ve succeeded in fulfilling a very important task. Enjoy!

1. Longest Bikini Parade

October 2: In Queensland, Australia, 357 participants strutted along a stretch of GoldCoast in two-piece swimwear. Where was I when this was happening? Someone should have let me know that’s on.

2. The Longest Tongue in California

September 15: Chanel Tapper’s measures 3.8 inches from tip to top lip. (The world record is held by a man in the UK, just .06 inches longer, but it’s not that sexy.)

3. Most People Taking A Shower Together

August 13: A group of 152 men and women lathered up on Bournemouth Beach in the UK, breaking the previous American record of 145. It’s time for America to take over again.

4. World’s Largest Skinny Dip

June 19: Almost 400 people took a swim at Wales’ Rhossili Beach to help raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Care. Well, this is perverseness with good cause and we of course support it, because of both things.

5. Most Inter-Species Sex Acts Drawn In Three Minutes

June 18: Eve Weinberg illustrated four sex scenes during a Manhattan fundraiser for the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Nothing weird here.

6. World’s Largest Bra

October 28: The Breast Cancer Campaign displayed a 1222B cup on London’s ITV Southbank Tower. Another humanitarian action that is supposed to raise breast cancer awareness. And, of course, we support this vigorously.

7. Most People In A Single Pair Of Panties

November 17: 57 people fit in the same pair of undies at the London Docklands. I don’t think this was part of any cancer awareness campaign or anything like that, but they surely got world’s attention. It’s such a shame they didn’t have anything to tell us. Maybe, their message is that we should try harder to get in other people’s panties. In which case, we support this action even more vigorously.