Monday, December 12, 2011

Sun City: New Life after Life

This place is the reason to live for many people of 55+. Sun City is located in Arizona. It is self-governed and it’s the largest place of its kind.

Sun City is 14 square miles (36 square kilometers). It has become a retirement paradise for 42,500 residents aged 55 and older. The average age here is 73.

Sun City was established in 1960. Today it can boast 11 golf courses, 2 libraries, 7 swimming pools, 3 country clubs, 7 recreation centers and 16 shopping centers. It’s quite enough for seniors to be kept busy and enjoy their life, in spite of age.

Sun City offers low cost of living, good medical facilities and low taxes. This place is almost free of crime. There were only two cases of criminal offense in 2009.

The only requirement for living here is your age.
