Saturday, December 10, 2011

This Is a Real Miracle!

This story is way beyond awesome. Disabled athlete Monique van der Vorst was paralyzed from the hip down since the age of 13. She participated at the Beijing Paralympics and won 2 silver medals for handcycling.

She had an accident when she was training in her wheelchair for the 2012 London Paralympics. She was hit by a bicycle and had to recover from the trauma. It’s a miracle, as her feet began to tingle and… suddenly she could move them again.She made her first steps in July 2010. According to Monique, she felt just like a child learning to walk.

Doctors can’t explain this miracle. As for Monique, she decided to join the Rabobank women’s professional bicycle racing team. She wishes to compete as a top-class able-bodied athlete in the 2016 Olympic Games.
