Friday, March 18, 2011

Be happy with your job.......................

If you don‘t like your job, just be glad that …

You are not an Electrician in China … 

* 1.JPG (251.07 KB. 500x666 - viewed 12 times.)

… or a plumber in Hungary …

* 2.JPG (123.13 KB. 702x532 - viewed 12 times.)

… or a delivery service employee in Asia …

* 3.JPG (119.9 KB. 515x376 - viewed 12 times.)

  or a Zoo keeper in America …

* 4.JPG (73.44 KB. 516x342 - viewed 11 times.)

… or a Ditch Digger in Poland …

* 5.JPG (125.34 KB. 650x488 - viewed 10 times.)

… or what is really a shitty job …
  … a mobile toilet !

* 6.JPG (138.81 KB. 599x369 - viewed 9 times.)

Just be thankful for your job ! Others are still more shitty ............
And now hurry back to your job !