Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Famed San Francisco Fog

Fog famously blankets San Francisco in the summer when hot inland temperatures create a low-pressure zone over Northern California’s Central Valley. The hot inland air rises and the heavier cold ocean air rushes in to replace it. This flow from the high to the low pressure zone pulls the fog through the Golden Gate passage and into the Bay.

Summer fog is common, but not an everyday event, so a bit of spontaneity works in favor of those in pursuit of a fog adventure. Morning and evening fog rolls into San Francisco Bay from June to August, pushing its way through the Golden Gate Bridge towers, drifting and swirling up and over the Marin Headlands, and nestling up against shoreline piers. Then, more often than not, it magically stops before consuming the city itself. It’s a picturesque show of nature that changes each day as the elements of the sea, sun and wind interact.