Sunday, October 23, 2011

Garden of Cosmic Speculations

This amazing peace of work called “Garden of Cosmic Speculations“. This is garden was made by famous landscape architect Charles Jencks and his wife Maggie Keswick. 

It all began as his wife’s idea to dray a mire on their estate in Scotland, and that gave space to Charles Jencks to play around and create. This project occupied life of Mr. Jencks for last 20 years. he tryed with this “Garden of Cosmic Speculations” to answer some questions, such as: “What are atoms made of and how should we conceive of them? How does DNA make up a living organism and why is it essential to celebrate it in a garden?”

The most impressive part of this garden is the “universal slap”, water fountain and stairs which are getting down from the top of small hill, where the house is, to the garden. Once a year visitors have the privilege of seeing this garden, after all this a private estate and a private garden. It is only the good will and generosity of the owners to share it with the rest of the world. Anyways, all the money collected that day goes to the Foundation for Cancer. Jencks wife had cancer and she died, and this is one way of trying to help people with cancer.

Charles Jencks is working on a landscape project near CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics, which is settled near Geneva. The garden is the first sight, which the visitors of this laboratory, will be able to see. That garden is designed to enable people one unique experience. The main idea is, for the visitors, to feel an experience the Particle Physics.