Monday, October 10, 2011

Two Faced Baby Brings Shock And Awe

Ask anyone along the dusty, pothole-filled road heading to the tiny village of Saini, and they’ll know who she is. The one with four eyes. The one with two mouths. The one with two heads.

They are not ashamed of the extraordinary looking little girl, the villagers who live near her, the young parents, the overprotective local doctor. That’s because while she may only be 2½ weeks old, she is far more famous than any resident of this part of the country has ever been. She is famous because she was born with a condition known as facial duplication. She has one body and two faces.

“At first I was a little bit afraid,” Vinod Kumar Singh, the 24-year-old father of the girl who still does not have a name, told ABC News. “But then I accepted whatever God gives.”