Home » Archives for 03/07/10
Moving houses: Living on wheels! (Part-2)
- on 3:39 PM
• Rolling huts
07.jpg (48.95 KB. 550x395 - viewed 2 times.)Designed by Tom Kundig, Rolling huts are designed keeping in view the effect on environment. The mobile home is made from steel clad box that sits on a steel...
Moving houses: Living on wheels!
- on 3:39 PM
• Raleigh house on wheels
01.jpg (39.07 KB. 550x334 - viewed 1 times.)Raleigh house on wheels is an affordable and portable housing for an urban living. Well, does not have much to say about, but the house...
Coffe Kiss Illusion
- on 3:38 PM
Hey everybody, look what I have just found. At first glance, this may look photoshopped, but it is actually a real sculpture! The author is Tsang Cheung Shing from Hong Kong. He created this installation for a pottery exhibition of “YingYeung” –...
Most Active Volcano
- on 3:38 PM
One other volcano on the planet erupts more frequently than Kilauea -Stromboli. Stromboli Volcano, off the west coast of southern Italy, has been erupting nearly continuously for over 2,000 years. Often called the "Lighthouse of the Mediterranean," Stromboli produces...
Om Nom Nom!
- on 3:37 PM
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Funny Animals (part-1)
- on 3:36 PM
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