Home » Archives for 11/01/11
Funny Calculator Characters
- on 4:03 PM
Can you graph something as funny as these characters on your calculator?
The Crannog of Loch Tay
The definition of a crannog has to be “artificial island, usually built in lakes, rivers and estuarine waters”. They have been variously interpreted as free-standing wooden structures, as at Loch Tay. The word “crannog” is from Old Irish and means young...
Top 10 Haunted Houses In America
- on 4:00 PM
We like to be creeped out, don’t we? To kick off this Halloween season, we have chosen 10 homes in the U.S. notorious for their haunted history and spirits who like to visit.&nbs...
Spooky Dolls
- on 3:56 PM
These dolls are a bit on the creepy side and shouldn’t be viewed by young children...
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