Some people have luck for catching the perfect moment and creating great photographs.
Home » Archives for 11/15/11
Unusual Sunken Bridge
- on 3:32 PM
Unless it gets flooded, the bridge across the Fort de Roovere looks amazing. Architects didn’t want to build a normal one, so they made a sunken bridge that now attracts many tourists...
Backyards of Your Dream
- on 3:30 PM
These are the most beautiful backyard designs I’ve ever seen. They can leave you speechless...
Awesome Photographs
- on 3:28 PM
All these photographs were submitted to Photo Contest 2011 announced by National Geographic. The deadline will come up on November 30, but you can already see some of the best images from the categories Nature, People, and Places...
Colombian Students "Attack" Riot Police with Love
- on 3:26 PM
Colombian students in Bogota proved to be extremely loving with riot police during their protests of proposed higher education privatization. Using their creativity and love instead of force, these students showed a different way to deal with a potentially...
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