Home » Archives for 08/22/10
makhanchor ko choto so choto so---------------------
- on 3:06 PM
World's Smallest and Lightest Horse
Meet Einstein, the world's smallest horse who weighs less than a newborn baby
This pint-sized stallion could be a record breaker as the world's smallest foal. The three-day old pinto stallion, called Einstein,...
all mad pal members r invite for thare Alcohol Test
- on 3:05 PM
It has come to our attention that you have been reporting for duty whileunder the influence of alcohol. To clear the air, you are required to answer the question below.
Which direction is this car going..?
If you cannot tell, then you have drunk...
in comparision of human animal kisses with blasing to human
- on 3:05 PM
She is pregnant . He had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, then he continued to fight the fire.
When he finally got done putting the fire...
How To Win Hearts In India..
- on 2:45 PM
How To Win Hearts In India..How To Win an Indian Man's Heart.RS 25 ( see Pic 1)How to win an Indian Women's Heart. RS 25,000,000 (see PIC 2)HAVE A NICE WEEK END How To Win an Indian Man's Heart.(PIC 1).jpg (56.28...
the alcohol test ```
- on 2:44 PM
It has come to our attention that you may be reporting to duty while under the influence of alcohol. To clear the air, you are required to answer the question below.Which direction is this car going..? 1.jpg (42.21 KB. 600x339 - viewed...
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