A man can be defined by many things and physical attributes, including facial hair. Since the beginning of time, people have sported various forms of facial hair in an attempt to make a creative statement about themselves. As an evolutionary defense...
Home » Archives for 01/16/12
Think Different – Apple Tribute
- on 3:01 PM
“Think Different’ (Apple tribute) by Viktor Hertz is the Swedish graphic designer’s way of saluting the innovation that stems from Apple. With this exercise, he reinterprets the brand’s iconic logo to address various avenues of literally ‘thinking d...
Weird Google Search Result Images
- on 3:00 PM
By typing in one or a couple of words search queries Google Images returned some very strange results. These images are proof that creativity and a sense of humor are alive and well throughout the world."Awkwa...
What an Amazing Story. Falcon vs Snake
A construction worker in Australia helped a falcon that was almost killed by a snake. It all began when the falcon tried to catch the snake but failed and was almost killed by it. Great pictures.
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