These are pretty clever. Don't rush. Study each picture and try to determine what it represents, before looking at the answer right below the picture.
Put on your thinking caps.
Assaulted peanut
Doctor Pepper
Pool table
Tap dancers
Home » Archives for 03/30/10
Insects with alien faces
- on 4:29 PM
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3.jpg (28.91 KB, 640x424 - viewed 3 times.)
5.jpg (31.83 KB, 640x429 - viewed 3 times.)
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Insane Face Tattoos
- on 4:28 PM
07.jpg (30.29 KB, 403x443 - viewed 4 times.)
08.jpg (22.46 KB, 380x348 - viewed 4 times.)
10.jpg (25.6 KB, 500x336 - viewed 4 times.)
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Alligator Wrestling
- on 4:27 PM
Alligator wrestling has been a big part of Seminole culture, and a popular sport, until the 1990s. Now, Seminole entrepreneurs hope to bring it back to its former glory, and make a fortune, in the process.
The Seminole Indians have come a long...
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