A Different Childhood

A Different Childhood
Here’s a girl, named Tippi who was born in Nairobi, Africa in 1990. She is definitely a personification of Mowgli from The Jungle Book. She had the most extraordinary childhood! She went to France when she was 12, but photos her parents made when she...

MadPals PicDump - Part 233

MadPals PicDump - Part 233
A Daily Dose of Funny PicDump ...

Exotic Meals at McDonald’s Around the World

Exotic Meals at McDonald’s Around the World
McDonald’s is one of the biggest fast food restaurant chains in the world. It serves about 64 million customers in over 31,000 chains in 119 countries every day. Due to the local tastes of its visitors, McDonald’s has to have different exotic meals on...

Expectations vs Reality

Expectations vs Reality
This is another selection of images that show how our dreams don’t match the real life...

Amazing Break Dance

Amazing Break Dance
Amazing Break Danc...

Funny Letters to Santa

Funny Letters to Santa
There are always outliners among hundreds of thousands of letters written to Santa every year. Some of them are sincere, and some are just jokes. But they are still hilarious and fun to read.Mixup...

Crazy Futuristic Buildings

Crazy Futuristic Buildings
You probably never thought the future would look like this...

Demotivators Picdump

Demotivators Picdump

Creative Ice Cube Trays

Creative Ice Cube Trays
This collection of creative and unusual ice cube trays can make any drink unforgettable and unique. ...

Funny Animals - Part - 129

Funny Animals - Part - 129

Out of This World

Out of This World
National Geographic announced their 2011 global-wide photography contest awarding not only a warm financial prize to its three winners but world-wide publication in their magazine. The winners were taken from digital submissions on three categories of...

Hilarious Fail & Win Pics

Hilarious Fail & Win Pics

The Best Street Art Works of 2011

The Best Street Art Works of 2011
Let’s take a look at some of the best street art masterpieces of 2011. These photos include drawings, hand-made art, sculptures and other creative works...

Daily Gifdump

Daily Gifdump
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