Cool Photos

Cool Photos
Cool Photos  Cool Photos1.jpg (34.9 KB. 842x564 - viewed 2 times.)  Cool Photos2.jpg (30.21 KB. 842x632 - viewed 2 times.)  Cool Photos5.jpg (46.93 KB. 842x610 - viewed 2 times.)  Cool Photos8.jpg (51.4...

Vertigo Inducing Photography

Vertigo Inducing Photography
It is one of the most gut-wrenching experiences imaginable, but "Rooftopping", a new heart-stopping photography craze is sweeping across the globe. Rooftopping is when a very brave photographer takes a very daring photo at the edge of a skyscraper...

The Most Strange Places to Live

The Most Strange Places to Live
Living in a Billboard This has got to be recycling at its best. Why throwout perfectly good billboards when you can reuse them as a living space? I don’t know about you, but how many billboards have you seen that would...

Hidden Alphabet Around Us

Hidden Alphabet Around Us
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