Adorable Baby Recreates Classic Movie Scenes

Adorable Baby Recreates Classic Movie Scenes
Rambo: First BloodAmerican Bea...

madpals picdump(190)

madpals picdump(190)
A Daily Dose of Funny Picdumps ...

Dark And Raw Movie Posters

Dark And Raw Movie Posters
These actually look like book covers, but they’re not, they are movie posters. Flickr User Traumatron Illustration form UK is the person behind them. He is drawing the movie posters with probably darkness as inspiratio...

Demotivators Picdump

Demotivators Picdump

The Dramatic Rescue of Elephants from a Muddy Grave

The Dramatic Rescue of Elephants from a Muddy Grave
The lives of these two elephants, a baby and its mother, could have ended if workers from South Laungwa Conservation Society didn’t try to help and free the trapped animals. &nb...

Funny Animals (part-89)

Funny Animals (part-89)

Somali Fishers

Somali Fishers
We always hear about piracy in Somalia, but this country is also known for its fishers. The ocean has much fish including sharks. For many Somali families fishing is the only way to live ...

Daily Gifdump

Daily Gifdump

Counterfeit Goods’ Destruction in China

Counterfeit Goods’ Destruction in China
Counterfeiters, beware! China has started to war on fakes by destroying some of the counterfeit goods in publ...

hilarious fail&win

hilarious fail&win
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