Beautiful Sunsets

Beautiful Sunsets
Gallery of the most beautiful sunsets you’ll see today! ...

Museum Of Rag Biology

Museum Of Rag Biology
I really hope that non of the doctors attended these exhibits, because after seeing how fun it is they could wish starting their own business of ragsy biology! ...

Fake Holidays

Fake Holidays
If you can not afford genuine holiday at exotic resorts, well, that means it’s time to go to find a fake one! Millions of people from living in this world never flew on an airplane or traveled abroad. But they do spend their holidays “far” from home,...

Old Car Tire Sculptures

Old Car Tire Sculptures
Yong Ho Ji was born in 1978. In 2005 he graduated from Seoul National University majoring in sculpture and in 2008 – New York University Fine Arts. Yong Ho creates sculptures from used car tires. Process of creating one of these marvels can be quite...
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