Dussehra Celebration Pics from India

Dussehra Celebration Pics from India
The whole nation celebrated with fanfare and traditional fervour the festival of Dussehra and the culmination of the Durga Puja. While the effigies of Ravana, his son Meghnad and brother Kumbhakaran were set ablaze in fiery splendour, devotees bid...

Crazy Inventions

Crazy Inventions
The twentieth century was the century of inventions, and if we looked at the time line of historic developments and inventions, we’ll notice that our civilization achieved greater growth during that period in the field of science, technology,...

Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History
Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History Throughout history, humans have always been prone to accidents. Some, such as the exotic car crashes seen on this page, can be very expensive. But that ' s trivial compared to the truly expensive accidents....

Top 10 most nasty food dishes around the world

Top 10 most nasty food dishes around the world
Every culture has its own food specialties that are rather unusual to others. Here we have picked out 10 food dishes that are strange and maybe repulsive.  01.jpg (87.78 KB. 550x302 - viewed 4 times.) 10. Ducks tongue. This specialty...
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