Home » Archives for 04/19/11
- on 1:36 PM
Creative and Funny Elevator Designs
- on 1:34 PM
Here are some funny and unique elevator designs. Some of them are really creative and make you look twice. Driving in this elevator is incredibly exciting. If you happen to stumble upon some of these elevators, or other examples of creatively and humorously designed elevators, without any hesitation, try it! But for now, look at these photographs!
Real People Turned into Still Life Paintings
- on 1:30 PM
Alexa Meade is a 23 year old D.C. based artist who is developing an aesthetic that is playfully and skillfully combing paint, portraiture, photography and performance.
The artist manages to blend people into art as if they really were a part of the painting, rather than being real . It is quite fascinating to see how people blend seamlessly with paint. Let us check out the images below.
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