Amazing Science Facts To Discover

Amazing Science Facts To Discover

MadPals PicDump - Part 333

MadPals PicDump - Part 333
A Daily Dose of Funny and Amazing PicDump ...

Two and a Half Rupee Note.........

Two and a Half Rupee Note.........
Did you know there was a Two and a Half Rupee note currency ? ...

Hilarious Babies To Rock Your Day

Hilarious Babies To Rock Your Day


TRANSPORTING CATTLE IN AUSTRALIA Here are lots of stats about moving cattle.....that I am sure you do not want to know. However you now know about road trains ! Only  in  Australia  will you see  this ...

So Young, Yet So Hip

So Young, Yet So Hip
Here are some kids that hit the ground running each and every day when it comes to style and hipness...

The city in the clouds - Dubai

The city in the clouds - Dubai
Dubai's skyscrapers poke through a carpet of fog at night in dramatic images taken from 800ft up in the air. The world's tallest building - the 2,700ft-high Burj Khalifa - can be seen bursting through the dense fog banks which descend on the city...

New Law

New Law
New Law: With the high rate of attacks on women in secluded carparks ...especially during evening hours...the Harrogate City  Council has established a 'Women Only' carpark at the Tesco shopping centre. Even the parking attendants are exclusively...

Titanic Tidbits Worth Knowing

Titanic Tidbits Worth Knowing
These interesting factoids about the epic blockbuster will shed even more light on the making of the movie.  The studios wanted Matthew McConaughey to play Jack, but James Cameron insisted on Leonardo DiCaprio...

Daily Gifdump

Daily Gifdump
A Collection of Cool and Funny GI...
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