Adorable Sweet Lips

Adorable Sweet Lips
Adorable Sweet Lips...

Combo Advertising Billboards

Combo Advertising Billboards
Sometimes, one billboard is not enough in order to realize a creative idea. So the next logical step is, that is if space and funds permit, to “stretch” advertising on two and even three boards. Check how it worked out....

Immortalizing Celebrities In Plasticine

Immortalizing Celebrities In Plasticine
Leicester-born Karen Caldicott is currently living in the New York area, where she stays busy creating plasticine portraits of celebrities. Well-versed in a multitude of style...

10 Of The Weirdest Ways To Get Married

10 Of The Weirdest Ways To Get Married
1. Skydiving Wedding A plain old fashioned skydiving wedding is still weird, but what started out as a rare event now has wedding planners all over the world like this one in Atlanta....

Space Shuttle Crash Test

Space Shuttle Crash Test
OMG, it looks even cooler than world's fastest crash test....

New Haircut

New Haircut
The old one was much better......

Lip Pump Makes Girl's Lips Bigger

Lip Pump Makes Girl's Lips Bigger
Isn't it "great"? Now every girl can make her lips look big....

7 Amazing Works of Art Done With Unorthodox Methods

7 Amazing Works of Art Done With Unorthodox Methods
These pieces of art were created with extremely unorthodox methods and still managed to maintain the label “art.” 7.Sandcastler’s Mordor...

2000 Wispy Dandelions

2000 Wispy Dandelions
It’s hard to believe, but Regine Ramseier picked 2,000 dandelions for this ethereal art exhibit, which was shown at the ArToll Summer Lab 201...

Just Do It

Just Do It
Cricket and Chappal Effect...

MadPals PicDump - Part 179

MadPals PicDump - Part 179
A Daily Dose of Funny PicDump ...

Daily Gifdump

Daily Gifdump

Funny Side of Politics

Funny Side of Politics
Politicians are endless inspiration for a lot of things – fighting, competing, chalenge, controversy, but above all laugh! Just to make sure you don`t get us wrong, I`ll say it again: we it for the lolz :D. Enjoy!...

Amazing Food Art

Amazing Food Art
Bored with spicy shrimp and California rolls? For those fans of food art looking to push the boundaries of culinary adventure, sushi chefs have heeded your call, forming their rice and seaweed creations into a myriad of shapes, most notably panda bears,...

Flexi Yogi Girls

Flexi Yogi Girls
Check out the gallery of flexible and beautiful girls who practice yoga....

Bread Brand Shoes

Bread Brand Shoes
These are the best shoes ever. You can wear them as slippers around the house or as your shoes. Shoes can adjust to the shape of your foot. You create the size and width of your shoes so you become small shoemaker. Shoes can be made ​​from variety...

Beautiful And Unusual Landscapes Of The World

Beautiful And Unusual Landscapes Of The World
Landscapes. Nature is one of the things where you can search and find some peace of mind, a serenity. In these crazy times when everything is fast forward you need exactly something like that, to keep you calm and peaceful...

Creative but Weird Packagings for Stuff

Creative but Weird Packagings for Stuff
Unfortunately, nowadays, it is not the inside but the outside that matters. And more sadly it is not a ‘rule’ just for stuff, it applies to people also. People that made these packagings had that in mind for sure… Nevertheless, you must admit they’re...

Incredible Action Packed Racing Photos

Incredible Action Packed Racing Photos
These beautiful photos capture the best moments of motorcycle and car racing in an artistic way. See cars and bikes flying through the air, as well as plenty of crashes....

Amazing Titanic Construction Photos

Amazing Titanic Construction Photos
The doomed ship was built in Belfast over a three-year span and these impressive black and white images show just how colossal an undertaking it was....

Timber! When Models Bite the Dust

Timber! When Models Bite the Dust
There is something rewarding about seeing the so-called ideal or perfect woman hit the floor hard on the catwalk. Considering the slippery surface they walk on in mostly high heels it’s no wonder these skinny chicks don’t fall more often....

MadPals PicDump - Part 178

MadPals PicDump - Part 178
A Daily Dose of Funny PicDump ...

Epic Win Images

Epic Win Images
Pictures taken at the right moment become epic win images that really impress and amaze. ...

Daily Gifdump

Daily Gifdump

Funny Animals - Part - 78

Funny Animals - Part - 78

Mind Bending Optical Illusions

Mind Bending Optical Illusions
Sometimes our mind plays tricks on us and other times our vision fails to reveal what is truly going on. This collection of cool optical illusions will have you shaking your head and rubbing your eyes. Decapitated swimme...

America in the 1970s

America in the 1970s
Very interesting photos of America in 1971 – 1977....

Tree of Knowledge

Tree of Knowledge
If this was in Paradise, I totally understnad Eve…I’d be also thinking what kind of  ’fruit’ these amazing looking trees can bring!...

Touching Pictures of Rescued Animals

Touching Pictures of Rescued Animals

Jaw-Dropping Nature Photos

Jaw-Dropping Nature Photos
Showcasing the true beauty of mother nature. ...

The Art of the 16/8 Bit Game Title

The Art of the 16/8 Bit Game Title
This is a cool collection of awesome 16/8 bit game title graphics. These are titles that scream....

Unusual and Creative Bookcases

Unusual and Creative Bookcases
Here are some neat ideas for bookcases. They definitely worth to take a look at....

Old American Dollars

Old American Dollars
Most likely you never knew that this kind of dollars ever existed....

Amazing & Unusual Monuments of the World

Amazing & Unusual Monuments of the World
Traveling to other cities and countries, do not miss the amazing designs of the local architecture and sculpture. Among the many traditional and historical monuments are found very original statue, the creation of which the sculptors and artists do...

Famous People in Fat Suits

Famous People in Fat Suits
Celebrities often have to play roles that require extra fat on their bodies. Sometimes they have to weight over 300 pounds, and they perfectly cope with such a tricky task. Neil Patrick Harri...

The Guy with a Chalk is Back

The Guy with a Chalk is Back
Unlike the classic graffiti, this guy paints the streets just with chalk, making them look lively, funny and interesting. The only ‘problem’ is that the ‘paintings’ look like this only from a specific angle. Well, meet the work of artists like Edgar...

Nice Parking, Girls!

Nice Parking, Girls!
Some girls are not allowed to sit behind the wheel and park their car. ...

MadPals PicDump - Part 177

MadPals PicDump - Part 177
A Daily Dose of Funny PicDump ...

Daily Gifdump

Daily Gifdump

How Anyone Can Live Like This

How Anyone Can Live Like This
These are the pictures of one of the filthiest houses I’ve ever seen. It’s just disgusting. Kitche...

Ideas for Halloween Costumes.

Ideas for Halloween Costumes.
Another selection of cool costumes for Halloween. There is still some time left to get one....

The Best Chinese Movie Fails

The Best Chinese Movie Fails
These Chinese movie fails are hilarious....

HallowMeme Party Photographs

HallowMeme Party Photographs
A lot of people lately celebrate Halloween in internet style. This year HallowMeme costume party was held for the third time. You need to see these photos to know how cool it was. Women laughing (alone) with sala...
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