Weirdest Outdoor Sculptures on the Planet

While there are more than enough examples of beautiful and striking public sculptures in the world, these strange pieces of art really take the cake.

Crocodile Eats Capitalist, New York, USA

Head-to-Nail, Goslar, Germany

Harassment, Tokyo, Japan

Piss - Brickyard Gergeti, Prague, Czech Republic

Finger Pointing, Paris, France

Giant Spider in Bilbao, Spain

A Giant Crane, Winterthur, Switzerland

Fountain "Vomiting", London, England

Red Light Wood, London, England

Features of Gravity For The Elephant, Paris, France

A Device For The Eradication of Evil, Calgary, Canada

Balerun Worrying, Los Angeles, USA

Wedding Rings, Vancouver, Canada

Monument to Charles La Trobe, Melbourne, Australia.

Bureaucratic Themis, Denmark

Through The Wall. Montmartre, Paris

A Man On a Bicycle, Chile

Monument Clothespins, Philadelphia, USA

Monument Workaholic, Los Angeles, USA

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