Creative Ads of Self-Defense Schools

The schools of self-defense are usually open for women, children and seniors. That’s how some of those schools promote themselves in a creative way.

Self-defense for maids

Self-defense lessons for women

“We once knew a woman who left her Mace in a glove box. We never knew a woman who left her right hook in a glove box”

The danger vanishes when you know how to defend yourself

Brera Sports Club self-defense lessons

“No need to cry for help anymore – your aggressor will do that for you”

Electrolux Femme Force lessons will enable you to resist lewd looks, dirty jokes and improper suggestions

Self-defense against predators

Now you can live dangerously

Self-defense classes 0823700839

Self-defense lessons for women

Self-defense courses for kids

Senior-Self-Defense Academy

The aggressor

Self-defense for women

DefienDT self-defense school

Become a weapon

Karate for kids

Kankaku karate school. Ads on the tree stubs

Karate school. Ad on a roadway gate

Self-defense rule #1: take the matter of self-defense in your own hands

Self-defense rule #3: hyper-extend limbs to the opposite direction than they are accustomed to

Self-defense rule #12: apply pressure to the most sensitive part – i.e. the joint where the upper and lower jaws meet

Self-defense rule #14: grab’em where it hurts most
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